
   校园新闻 发布于2024年3月19日

更新:查看对Hyveth Williams的采访, 阿尔文吊桶, 和BSCF校友, 浏览活动网页 在这里. 早先对沃尔特·道格拉斯的采访也包括在这一页上.

第九届社会意识峰会于2月9日星期四举行. 2024年3月2日(星期六),主题为“赛跑”. 宗教. 反射. bet365中文大学:制度传奇(1960-1980).” Each of the gatherings featured a recorded interview, followed by a panel reacting to the film.

峰会从三个角度探讨了这一主题:bet365中文大学的女性员工, 过去和现在的学生团体, 以及bet365中文神学院校友阿尔文·基布尔的配音. 在每次会议上, attendees and participants discussed the lived experiences of individuals at bet365中文大学 in the 1960s through the 1980s.

首脑会议的第一部分题为“bet365中文传奇:透过我们女性的眼睛”.这个节目以Hyveth Williams为中心, 博士学位, DMin, who is director of the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program. Williams is the first Black female pastor and female senior pastor in the 基督复临安息日会 Church.

在视频放映中, 威廉姆斯谈到了她对事工的呼召以及她是如何做的, 响应这个号召, she enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary in 1986.

在完成她的MDiv之后, 威廉姆斯希望进一步发展她的技能和对事工的理解, and t在这里fore sought admission into the Doctor of Ministry program that the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary started in 1989. 尽管在其他方面是合格的, Williams was denied entrance into the program and told that it was only open to “ordained pastors who were men.” Williams then applied to and was accepted into the Boston University School of Theology doctoral program.

在完成她的博士学位并成为一名成功的牧师后, Williams was asked to join the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary in 2009 as a professor of homiletics. 在讽刺和神的指引下, 2022年,威廉姆斯成为牧师博士项目的主任, 就是她被拒绝参加的那个项目. Williams celebrates the increase of women in Seminary and in more leadership roles in the Adventist church.

视频结束后,一些小组成员讨论了这部电影. 与威廉姆斯同行的还有传播学副教授希瑟·汤普森-戴, 负责校园和学生/居民生活的助理副校长Jennifer Burrill, 以及英语教授Meredith Jones Gray. 摩根·威廉姆斯, an undergraduate student and executive vice president of the bet365中文大学 Student Association (AUSA), 主持讨论. The panelists highlighted other stories of women in the University’s history who dealt with situations of discrimination while also emphasizing the progress the University has made in developing a culture and climate for women to have equal opportunity to flourish in every area of life.

第二个节目上午10点开始.m. on Sabbath morning 在霍华德表演艺术中心 under the title “The Andrews Saga: Insights from Our 学生.” It featured a video screening of “The BSCF 校友 Stories” and a collaborative worship service with the 新生奖学金 church. The video featured five Black alumni of Andrews from the late 1960s and early 1970s who were part of the first years of one of Andrews’ largest and most active student groups, 黑人学生基督教论坛(BSCF).

The alumni 共享 that although Andrews was a Christian college located in a rural community away from the major events of the Civil Rights Movement, 他们在bet365中文仍然经历着种族歧视. 在其他困难的经历中, the alumni recounted their feelings about a cross-burning that took place on campus and the lack of response on the part of University administration. The administration made no statement to reassure Black students of their safety or to discourage repeat occurrences. 1969年到1975年间,bet365中文发生了三起焚烧十字架的事件.

渴望建立一个更能满足他们属灵和社会需要的敬拜团体, 学生有动力发展BSCF. The club's founding members worked to bring about greater representation among the faculty and staff and provide opportunities for students. They also started social and religious ministries on campus and in Benton Harbor to help create positive change.

视频发布后,小组成员再次回应了这些故事. 克里斯蒂娜猎人, 研究生住宿生活主任和学生生活副主任, 担任主持人. 小组成员包括Darius Bridges,负责学生参与和领导力的副院长 & Activities (SILA); Rock Choi, president of the Korean American Student Association (KASA); Loren Manrique, AUSA president; Hailay Prestes, AUSA social vice president; Skyler Campbell, BSCF president; Natasha Richards, president of the Black 学生 Association of the Seminary (BSAS); and Foluke Arthurton, bet365中文大学研究生协会(AUGSA)主席.

The panelists 共享 their admiration for the alumni featured in the video who have made cultural clubs such an important and impactful feature of campus. They 共享 how cultural clubs provide students with some semblance of their home lives and also provide opportunities to build strong friendships and get acquainted with different cultures.

小组讨论结束后, 新生命团契教会举行了由金牛斯·蒙哥马利牧师主持的礼拜. 加拉太书3:26-29, Montgomery also used historical context in his sermon to illuminate how the status quo of intolerance has been a threat to true spirituality from the days of the Bible to the days of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to the modern day. 他强调我们在基督里的身份必须优先于其他任何身份. He added that we are called to develop a relationship with Christ so that we might have the “mind of Christ” mentioned in Philippians 2:5, 让我们以基督的品格去欣赏他人.

周末的最后一个节目以阿尔文·基布尔的反思为中心, who served as the vice president of the North American Division (NAD) of 基督复临安息日会s. Tragically, shortly after Kibble gave the interview, he was hospitalized and later died on Aug. 11, 2023.

基布尔从1967年到1969年就读于基督复临安息日会神学院, 他说他“喜欢向教授学习”.基布尔的想法, 同时对bet365中文大学的进展表示乐观, 包括几个非常感人的故事. 例如, 当时一位神学院教授被问及黑人的起源, 他的回应是声称黑人种族是“人与兽的混合体”.另一个故事发生在1968年,当时马丁·路德·金. 被暗杀. 消息传到bet365中文校园后, 基布尔回忆说,一个白人学生冲进了体育馆, 庆祝这位民权偶像的逝世,宣布, “我们抓住他了。!”

The panel discussion after the video included bet365中文大学 assistant professor of Mission and Intercultural Theology Andrew Tompkins, 复临研究中心主任凯文·伯顿说, TNG社区服务公司负责EDI和减贫的副总裁莫里斯·贝克福德, 华盛顿复临大学宗教系主任奥利弗·海明斯说, 以及bet365中文大学教会历史系主任特雷弗·奥雷吉奥.

小组成员承认教会内部缺乏对少数民族的接受, 哪一个, 再加上他们追随福音的强烈愿望, 推动了区域会议的发展.

卡莱尔萨顿, bet365中文大学的赞助研究员和周末的主要组织者, 共享, “我们希望首脑会议有助于创造一个空间, 作为一个社区, 我们可以就困难的话题进行真诚的对话,并学会倾听对方.  人们的生活经历是很难反驳的. The purpose of the grant is to create opportunities for minority voices to share their stories. We hope we did that respectfully as we consider the progress and challenges we face in building communities that prioritize belonging in 2024.”

平等对待妇女和少数民族的主题, 该组织对学生生活和文化的影响, and the impact of racism on campus gave those in attendance an opportunity for meaningful reflection about how far Andrews has come as well as to commit to continuing the work of healing.
克里斯顿·亚瑟教务长, 是谁发起并监督社会意识峰会, 领导台上的每个节目, 敦促观众思考两个问题:“那又怎样? 现在?”

作为中投机构传奇拨款的持久成果之一, bet365中文大学 plans to share the three videos from the Summit as well as an earlier interview with professor Walter Douglas.

This year’s Summit was sponsored by The Council of Independent Colleges and bet365中文大学’s Office of the Provost, 研究和创意奖学金办公室, 大学传播处, 校园 & 学生生活,视觉艺术系,传播 & 设计系(VACD)和英语系.

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